21-22 May 2025 Programme
Palais des Congrès, Versailles

From units to the universe - future revolutions in metrology

This two-day conference is organized in Versailles in conjunction with other events in Paris to mark the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention on 20 May 2025. 

The conference includes presentations from key stakeholders for world metrology and round‑table discussions to allow an open exchange of ideas on the topics chosen to relate to the main outcomes of the CIPM Strategy 2030+. 

The conference will include an open poster session. 

Wednesday 21 May 2025

New opportunities from horizontal themes in metrology

The first day of the conference will include sessions covering the three areas identified by the CIPM as benefitting from new “horizontal” coordination.

+  9:00 to 9:05 – Opening of the conference

9:05 to 10:45 - Session 1. Metrology for the quantum era

The revision of the SI in 2019 and the progress of quantum technologies are enabling the development and implementation of quantum standards for an ever-increasing range of metrological applications. Quantum metrology relies on quantum effects to enhance precision and resolution in measurement beyond what would be possible when classical physics. Quantum metrology also provides the means to create inherent quantum standards – that do not require calibration – and that can be direct realizations of the units of the SI, based on fundamental constants. Such standards may allow access to primary realizations to users outside the National Metrology Institutes.

Questions for the round-table session will include:

  • What is the future role of NMIs in a world with widely distributed quantum standards (NMI on a chip)?
  • What metrology capability will be needed to support the further development of quantum standards?

Lixing You

Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology

"Superconducting photon detector: from quantum information processing to metrology"

Barbara Goldstein NIST

"The interplay between quantum, metrology and technology"

10:45 to 11:15 - Coffee

11h15 to 13h00 - Session 2. Metrology for climate action

Accurate measurement is the basis for scientific knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for reducing the rate at which climate change is taking place. This session is devoted to the application of metrology to global climate and environment challenges. It will focus on initiatives taken since the BIPM-WMO Workshop on “Metrology for Climate Action” developed a consensus on recommendations to increase the impact of metrology and metrology institutions on climate.

Questions for the round-table session will include:

  • How can metrology support the actions at the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP)?
  • How can a Global Greenhouse Gas measurement system support mitigation actions?
  • How can accurate measurements from space increase our knowledge of climate change and options for adaptation?

Gianpaolo Balsamo


"Development of a Global Observation system for GHG Emissions"

Mahesh Kumar Sha

Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy

"Fiducial Reference Measurement for GHG"

13:00 to 14:15 - Lunch

14:15 to 16:00 - Session 3. The FAIR digital revolution

In its long-term strategy, the CIPM has highlighted “digital transformation” as one of the key challenges for the coming decades. Indeed, the world is becoming increasingly digital with the emergence of Industry 5.0 based on the Internet of Things involving the rapid exchange of data from machine to machine. This is creating a growing need for interoperability and traceability of measurement data, in line with the FAIR principles. This traceability will be based on the SI digital framework and will be disseminated to all applications via NMI data services. 

Questions for the round-table session will include: 

  • What role will SI units (and the SI Digital Framework) play in the Internet of Things, and in the ongoing digital revolution?
  • How can we move towards establishing a reliable digital traceability chain?

Barend Mons

Leiden University

"Stop Data Sharing…"

Mark Allen

Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS)

“FAIR digital data in Astrophysics”

16:00 to 16:30 - Tea

Thursday 22 May 2025

Metrology for future science

The second day of the conference will start with an opportunity to explore the options for a future for a new definition of the second in greater detail and will then conclude with a session that highlights exceptional new opportunities for metrology and for new applications for metrology.
9:00 to 10:45 - Session 4. New science and the definition of the second

The field of time metrology has always advanced rapidly based on the outcomes of leading-edge research into the performance of atomic, optical and now, nuclear, clocks. This session will feature some of the latest advances made in the precision of optical clocks and the techniques for their comparison that now offer the possibility to agree a new definition for the second.

The CCTF has initiated debate on a new definition for the second based on the frequency of more than one atom or ion.

Questions for the round-table session will include:

  • When might a new definition for the second be agreed and what will be the preferred basis for it?

Hidetoshi Katori

University of Tokyo

"Optical lattice clocks: From curiosity-driven science to future applications"

Marina Gertsvolf


“The CCTF roadmap to the redefinition of the second”

William D. Phillips


Round table

Christophe Salomon

LKB and French Academy of Sciences

William D. Phillips


10:45 to 11:15 - Coffee

11:15 to 12:45 - Session 5a. Future revolutions - measuring for the life sciences

The final session will showcase several exceptional opportunities for new metrology and new applications for metrology. These are based on the outcomes of leading-edge research and will present many challenges to the way we think about metrology in the future.

The session will end with an open Q&A.

Marco Durante

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung

"Range uncertainty in particle therapy"

Renee Ruhaak

Associate Professor Leiden University Medical Center

"Personalized medicine- for improved patient care"

12:45 to 14:00- Lunch

14:00 to 15:15 - Session 5b. Future revolutions (continued)

Luca Stringhetti

SKA Observatory

"Precision at Cosmic Scales: future Metrology through the Square Kilometre Array telescope"

Second speaker to be confirmed

+ 15:15 to 15:30 – Close of the conference