
Open Call for posters

Deadline for abstract submission
15 December 2024

We invite you to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Metre Convention and the BIPM with a poster on your work on a metrology challenge in one of the 9 topics listed below.


SI units and fundamental


The Environment
and Climate


Life Sciences


Safe Food
and Water




Industry and Advanced Manufacturing


Digital transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Systems Metrology


Metrology for Quantum Technologies


New opportunities
for Metrology

Posters will need to describe a measurement and metrology challenge in the topic area, covering expected impact and describing either recent progress achieved and the future evolution of the work and/or identifying new needs in metrology and how these could be addressed. Posters that meet these criteria will be displayed as electronic posters and publicly visible on the BIPM anniversary website. The Poster Committee will select 9 posters (1 from each topic area) with the lead author invited to give a short oral presentation on May 21st during the live workshops celebrating the anniversary.
The submission process requires authors to first submit an abstract of their intended poster. This will be reviewed to check that it is within the topic scope and meets the criteria described in the previous section. If this is the case, the author will be invited to upload their poster (pdf file) and a 3-minute recorded explanation of their work (mp3 file).

Guidelines for abstracts

Abstracts, of up to 500 words, should describe a measurement and metrology challenge in the topic area of choice, covering expected impact and describing either recent progress achieved and the future evolution of the work and/or identifying new needs in metrology and how these could be addressed.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 15 December 2024.

Both abstracts and subsequent posters submissions are required to be in English.

In submitting an abstract, the submitter agrees to accept the acceptance/rejection of the decision of the Poster Committee as final and without appeal. Abstracts/posters that do not describe measurement/metrology activities and challenges will be considered out of scope and not accepted. Submissions will be open to all those working on metrology challenges in these topic areas.

Guidelines for Online Posters

Those with accepted abstracts will be invited to submit electronic poster (pdf file) including a 3-minute recorded oral presentation (mp3 file) , which will be publicly visible together with the accepted abstract on the event website.

The deadline for poster submission will be 15 February 2025.

The Poster Committee will select a poster from each topic area that they judge to best meet the submission criteria and most clearly illustrates an example of a metrology challenge and activity in that area. The lead author of each of these posters will be invited for a short oral presentation at the workshop and will be notified by 15 March 2025.


Format: Posters should be prepared in PDF format.
Dimensions: Standard size is A0 (841mm x 1189mm) or 36" x 48".
Orientation: Landscape (preferred for online viewing)


•Following approval of an abstract submission poster and audio file submissions will be possible
Deadline: The deadline for uploading material is February 15th.


Title: The title should be at the top of the poster in large, bold text. It should match the title of your abstract.
Authors: Include the names of all authors and their affiliations below the title.
Results: Present your findings with appropriate use of graphs, charts, and images.
Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and their implications.
References: Include key references in a smaller font at the bottom of the poster.
Contact Information: Provide contact details for the corresponding author.
Audio File: Separate audio file to be uploaded (3 minute description of poster) – mp3 file.


Font: Use a readable font (e.g., Arial, Calibri) with a minimum font size of 24 points for text and 36 points for headings.
Coulours: Use contrasting colors for text and background to ensure readability.
•Images and Graphics: Use high-resolution images and graphics. Ensure they are relevant and properly labeled.
Layout: Organize content in a logical flow. Use columns or sections to divide different parts of the poster.
Logo: There are no restrictions on logos used. The 150-anniversary logo can be used on the poster.

We look forward to receiving your abstract and making the 150th anniversary a celebration of all metrology activities around the world!