Opening speeches
After some opening remarks from UNESCO, the session will start with speeches by the Permanent Delegations to UNESCO of a number of the Member States of the BIPM.
These speeches will welcome the recognition of World Metrology Day by the UNESCO General Conference in 2023.
•Video introduction to Event
•Introduction: Master of Ceremonies - Georja Calvin-Smith, Master of Ceremonies
•Opening Speech 1: Minister of Foreign Affairs, France
•Opening Speech 2: TBC, UNESCO Representative
•Speech by Permanent Delegation
•The Metre Convention of 1875 - an act of multilateral scientific collaboration - Wynand Louw (South Africa), President of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM).
•Reply - Bobjoseph Mathew (Switzerland), President of the International Committee for Legal Metrology (CIML)
The SI - a tool for all mankind - William D. Phillips (NIST, USA) Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997
The first session will close with a video of short tributes from the Heads of International Organizations (IOs) that work in liaison with the BIPM including:
•International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
•International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)
•International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
•World Meteorological Organization (WMO)